07 July 2009
Dance joyously through her
Like a swirling dervish
The pull is strong
Posted by
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Labels: full moon
22 June 2009
Jade, Jade, Jade
Today was a wonderfully sweet day. Finally got the boys out of the house and up to Hawk Mountain around 3pm. Such a wondrous ride through majestic Kempton. Then the slug up the mountain.
Boys have an adventurous side that I am just not used to but Mom is trying her best to relax. If they want to peer out over the rocks my heart does not need to race!!
My eldest said that if he dashed to pieces on the rocks and died just know that he died happy! Oy!
Anyway on the way home we stopped by a lovely antique shop. I had been wanting to take the boys there and show them the way cool Katana that was for sale.
It was an enjoyable stay in this nice shop.
Just as we were exiting I noticed a Jade plant that had to be nearly 3ft tall. It was a beaut! The owner told me that his wife liked to give people a piece because it grew so rapidly. He promptly called his wife to the front.
Lets just say I left the shop a very happy woman.
Below is the picture of my new Jade plant that was gifted to me today. When she handed the lush sprig to me I held it in my left hand and I could feel the energy pulsating through that branch. Amazing.
In the photo below you will find a lovely ceramic pot that I purchased from Catalpa and you will see a wee little bright Jade oval peeking out of the soil. That wee piece of Jade was gifted to me by my beautiful friend Lala. You will also see in the square dish another Jade sprig that Lala gave me when I did a Reflexology session for her. To the right you will see a vase of the lovely flowers that are growing in my garden.
Not to mention my crystals :-) A flat of white quartz crystal found in Bethlehem is propping up my Jade tree.
Behind the tree is a tall Lemurian crystal and right next to it is a beautiful bright green Jade leaf.
Oh and that green pot in front is one of my son's creations as well as the little blue abstract ceramic hiding in background
It is so beautiful when someone gives you a living gift! Thank you Janette!
Posted by
Monday, June 22, 2009
Labels: Spiritual Gifts
21 June 2009
Finding My....
This evening around 7pm I took the boys to the pool to get in a swim in honor
of Summer Solstice. Pool was closed. I then convinced them to get the basketball
and go to the park.
For a while I watched them play a pick up game with some other teens that came to the park.
Just sat on the grass playing my djembe and doing very light meditation/mudras in appreciation
to mother earth, LIFE, Spirit....(God)....for my blessings and this beautiful season.
I was about to leave the park when I felt compelled to take a nice walk barefoot through the grass.
Suddenly the conversation I sat in on a week ago popped into my mind.
Someone said that when Dr. Andrew Weil has his new students he takes
them on a walk in a clover field and tells everyone to go find their four leaf clover.
How elusive is that? Well, I thought to myself....or shall I say Spirit said to me....
You will find your four leaf clover. I smiled because I have NEVER found a four leaf
clover before! You know the story.
Anyway I dropped to my knees and began looking...looking and looking...
Then looked up to see who was looking at me because there were lots of
people in the park watching children's baseball games.
I looked more...probably a total of ten minutes.
I was positive without a doubt I would find one. Then I said to myself, without defeat,
I will not find one here, is this clover anyway?
I got up to leave the park but was called over to this beautiful soulmate tree.
It was a tree that spoke to me as I passed by the first time. It was two trees growing
out of one trunk.
I went over to this tree and said hello. The tree told me to look down and I will find my
four leaf clover. So, dutifully and without doubt I dropped to my knees. There I looked
not even a minute...the thought came...will I find my clover? And within seconds of that
thought there was my four leaf clover.
Can not express the joy that I felt. It was like winning the lottery!
My beautiful clover is pressed between the pages of my book... ART PSALMS by Alex Grey
Affirming on so many levels.
Hope my story inspires you!
Peace/Shalom/Om Shanti!
Posted by
Sunday, June 21, 2009
03 June 2009
Journey of You
Yesterday, in my morning meditation Spirit impressed upon me:
"Life is a Journey to the center of Being"
May everyone have beautiful day! Remember each day is one more step in the journey of You! Place your steps wisely, with joy and trust that all will work out for the best, your highest good. And once your foot is firmly planted -- pay it forward! Bless another with your radiant smile and loving heart.
Posted by
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
18 May 2009
Trust in Life
Trust in Life...no matter what.
By trusting in Life you trust the process...
The process of Life unfolding.
Have faith that it will unfold in a way that helps you to be totally and uniquely you.
When you trust you are able to fully Love.
Fully love yourself and that which you see as others.
It may not seem easy but in the long run, when all is said and done it really is.
My lesson for today and always.
Posted by
Monday, May 18, 2009
06 March 2009
03 February 2009
Aspire Success
Abundant Success.
What is Success?
This intriguing seven letter word on so many tongues, the star in so many eyes.
I dare you to define success as anything but the ability to stare at the person in the mirror, looking him or her straight in the eyes while saying not only do I love you totally and completely but I really like you as well!
But you have to really mean what you say, no matter what is going on around you and in your life.
If that is not abundant success I do not know what is.
Can you truly say this no matter the sum total of your bank account?
May you truly have a richly awarding day, it is the only way! :-)
Posted by
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Labels: Success
Here I AM
Life calls me to awaken and take her not always so gentle hand.
Here I AM, I answer, extend your hand to me and I shall hang on tight!
Posted by
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Labels: life
28 January 2009
The Intuitive Way
In nearly every religious tradition adherents are called to sit still and go within. Whether it is through prayer, meditation or simply being silent it is only through this state of being that we are able to connect with Divinity that resides within.
Be still and know that I AM. That is what SOURCE calls us to.
It is that still small voice, sometimes not so small, that tugs at us or calls to us to go this way or that. Only when we take the time to listen to our inner voice will we have what we need to move forward in a way that is fulfilling to our souls.
The inner guide is called intuition and I believe this inner guide is our spark of Divinity which dwells within or you can envision it as the cord that connects us to our spark of Divinity connect us ultimately to the SOURCE of LIFE.
There are some that naturally follow that inner guide. And there are some of us who have yet to learn to trust that inner guide.
If you are looking to expand or jump start your innate intuitive I highly suggest you check out Penney Peirce's book:
THE INTUITIVE WAY: The Definitive Guide to Increasing Your Awareness.
The Intuitive Way: The Definitive Guide to Increasing Your Awareness
I am usually weary of any book that calls itself "Definitive" however you will not be disappointed.
I have the first edition copy of this workbook style guide.
Penney Peirce sensitively and intuitively guides you through the process of awakening to your inner awareness. She really does a wonderful job of this. I was very impressed with this book. It is like having a wonderful seminar in your hands. It is definitely NOT a boring read.
I have the 1997/2005 edition however there is a new edition coming out in September 2009 which has been expanded by at least 80 pages if not more.
Below is a link to the new edition and afterward a link to the older edition if you like to get started now.
New Edition 2009:
The Intuitive Way: The Definitive Guide to Increasing Your Awareness
Older Edition 2005:
Intuitive Way: The Definitive Guide to Increasing Your Awareness
Trust me, you will not be disappointed in this more than adequate and well grounded book/workbook.
Thank you Penney Peirce, you rock!
Posted by
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Labels: Book Recommendation, Penney Peirce, spiritual path, The Intuitive Way
22 January 2009
In Your Back Yard
In million's of back yards across the country lies a much maligned and disgraced plant that is the target numerous assassination attempts.
This plant is so disliked that it is not even given the honour of being called a plant. Plants are something wanted, nurtured and cultivated. No this special being that has the potential to bless us in so many ways is given the ill gotten name "Weed".
What comes to mind when you here the term weed?
Pest. Annoyance. Destructive. Ugly and unwanted.
That is what most people normally think of when they see, hear the name of or think about the Dandelion.
The Dandelion is also known as Lioin's Tooth, Priest's Crown and the lovely name we remember from our childhood, Puffball.
Oh the joy of a child when the come across a dandelion ready to disperse its seeds. Blow on a dandelion and make a wish. Watch as its multitudes of seeds as the wind carries them off. They resemble sparkly angelic fairies as they dance away in the wind.
Oh the angst of adults when these see the dread Dandelion popping its head up out of their rich, lush and carefully manicured lawn. The Dandelion is no longer a gift waiting to explode so that its seeds dance away like fairies, no, the dandelion is a much abhorred aberration of what a beautiful lawn should be.
A few years back while at one of the local Middle Eastern grocery stores I came across a beautiful bundle of Dandelion greens for sale. Up until that point I had not idea that these beautifully hated "weeds" could be eaten.
Being adventurous as I am when it comes to vegies I decided to buy the bundle and cook them for dinner that night. Actually they were pretty tasty sauteed in EVOO and onions.
They were bitter!
Last year I was the local Mennonite health/bulk foods store and I came across a bag of Dandelion tea.
Of course I bought it. And a few weeks later I decided to look up my new found item in my book: "The Little Herb Encyclopedia" by Jack Ritchason, N.D.
I found so many interesting and surprising tidbits of information regarding this royal weed.
Dandelions are rich in potassium and are a natural diuretic. It is also helps to detoxify the system thus benefiting stiff joints. It is known to help reduce serum cholesterol.
European herbalist use it to treat diabetes and liver ailments. The Dandelion greens is a super source of vitamin A, so high that it makes it a carrot bush. It also acts as a gentle laxative. Contains all of the nutritive salts thus aiding in blood purifying.
Juice from the stem can be used to treat acne and warts.
When you eat the greens it helps to improve the enamel teeth.
Some aliments that are listed that Dandelion may help with are:
Age Spots
Blood cleanser
Digestive disorders
Yeast Infections
The list above is very short. Check out the book to see more information. So before you decided to de-weed or shall I say de-flower your lawn of the beautiful majestic dandelion plant please think twice.
Pluck some up from your yard. Enjoy a fresh salad, sauteed greens or drink as a tea.
The above post is only a snippet. I encourage you to do your own research. I drink Dandelion tea every day at least one cup.
Of course you should never attempt to self medicate and if you are in need of medical help please seek a qualified medical professional. :-)
Posted by
Thursday, January 22, 2009
11 January 2009
Hugs Are Banned
Today I went for a much needed walk around town with my 14 year old 8th grade son.
My boy took me to the Dollar store for window shopping and then we went over to CVS where he bought a DOVE chocolate bar for his dear mother.
We passed by three late middle aged folks (2 men and 1 woman) chatting just before the entrance to the CVS. One of the men said to my son and me, "Hi, girls."
Mind you my son looks NOTHING like a girl, female or woman.
Well I kept walking but my son stopped and turned his 5'11 frame around and just looked at the man who in turned said, "Oh I mean and boy, sorry!"
It was amusing. Especially to know that I can still pass for "a girl" even though I am pushing 40 years.
We left the CVS and took a nice walk over to my friend's, Marilyn Fox, house. I had two of her jazz cd's that I needed to return.
About a block from Marilyn's house my son proceeds to tell me that hugging has been banned at his middle school.
The announcement went something like how would you like it if the teachers were hugging in the hall. The students are told that hugging should be done on their own time not during school.
Let me tell you that I do not understand this situation. Inappropriate touching such as kissing between boys and girls is one thing...but not hugging a friend? That's another.
Human touch is a fundamental necessity of life. Yes, touch is important. Many a baby has failed to thrive when human touch is out of the equation. No matter how much food and or medication as person is given for what ever ailment if they are not touched they will not make it.
When you eliminate contact with another person there are direr consequence to be had.
I was very happy to know that the kids ignore this rule and give each other hugs anyway.
Yes, I was happy to know this!
A pat on the back, a kiss on the cheek and a good ole fashioned hug are basic and necessary fundamental building blocks of life that can not be over done.
Have you hugged someone today? If no one is around, hug yourself and (the cherry on the top) tell yourself how much you love you!
Another blog post on hugging.....
Posted by
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Labels: Hugs, Love, unconditional love