This morning I spent time in my garden.
Blessed Sun caressing my sun-burnt skin,
beaming rays of ultra violet love to nourish
my bronzed melanin.
Zinnias, daisies, butterflies and bumble bees
thank you for blessing me with your amazing
colour and flutter of your wings.
This morning I spent time with my garden.
Copyright © Radiant Swan
24 August 2008
My Garden
Posted by
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Labels: blessing, garden, Love, poem, poetry, unconditional love
12 August 2008
11 August 2008
Miss Potter
The sweetest most endearing movie.
Just saw it yesterday.
Miss Potter
Posted by
Monday, August 11, 2008
Labels: movies
Now is all there is.
There is no yesterday and there is no tomorrow. The only gift we have is this moment, this now.
We have two choices.
We can choose to be in fear right now. To worry, to fear that we are not being heard. To worry, to fear that we do not have enough money. To fear that we are right and that they will take it away from us.
We can choose to be in love right now. To trust that all is ok, that all will be ok. To trust that we are heard and will be heard. To trust that we will be accepted. To trust that the money is there and that we have more than enough.
Either choice has action to follow. Action follows thought. Inaction is action.
We can choose to do nothing.
We can choose to accept Krishna's words to Arjuna...that is our duty to do (act) our part in the world.
Will we do our duty through the lens of fear? Will we choose to do our duty through the lens of love?
Love is trust. Love is tolerance. Love is seeing the positive.
Now is all there is. I choose to exist in Now with Love as my partner. Accepting myself. Accepting you. Trusting that I will be fine no matter what you choose to do. I choose to act in Love. And should I falter, should I miss the mark what will I choose. Should I choose fear? Be angry with myself and ashamed of myself.
I will forgive myself. I will then choose to accept myself through Love.
Love is forgiveness.
I choose love now.
Just for Now.
Copyright © Radiant Swan
Posted by
Monday, August 11, 2008
Labels: choice, fear, Love, spiritual life, unconditional love
08 August 2008
Eight has been a theme that has played out through out my Life.
Eight is a beautiful number!
Posted by
Friday, August 08, 2008
07 August 2008
Mayim-Water of Life
A video I made on a camping trip last year....
Posted by
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Labels: camping, mayim, reiki spiritual path, Water
06 August 2008
Love Personified
My youngest son's favorite colour is Green.
Green is the colour of growth, renewal and love.
The heart Chakra is represented by the colour green in Western
My youngest son is a Taurus and he has green eyes.
He is fierce in all he does. He is passionate and loving.
His love is quick and his temper is quick. Yes, he tries my patience
at times.
At other times, most of the times he gives me love like no other.
He brings tons of smiles to my heart.
Today he saw an elderly gentleman playing lovely tunes on his harmonica.
He asked his eldest brother for a dollar to give to the man, his way
of saying thank you for the music. I told him that I do not think the
man takes donations. My green eyed bundle of love was adamant about it
and his loving older brother more than willing to oblige and sponsor this
So I consented.
The boy with the tosseled chestnut brown silky hair, who normally likes to moan
"I'm too shy", walked over to the gentleman and handed him the dollar bill
and thanked him for the music.
My heart chakra swelled with love and pride that I AM his Mamma.
Thank you Source of Love, Joy and Life for allowing me to be the vessel through
which this beautiful boy...soon to be beautiful man, came into the world in this life. Bless me to be open and humble enough to be the best mother he needs to help him reach his goals in this Life.
I AM so thankful for LOVE.
Posted by
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Labels: Children, Love, Spirituality
01 August 2008
It Really Is
It really is the little things in life that truly matter.
Like how I told Paul today how much his warm smile and hello when ever he sees me pass by really means to me.
It makes my day. And helps to make my life happier.
It really is the little things in life that truly matter.
Take a moment to let someone you know how much they mean to you.
Posted by
Friday, August 01, 2008