13 April 2008

More on Joy

Let us live Joyfully.....Let us live on spiritual bliss, radiating spiritual light.
~~Dhammapada 197-201

How does one live joyfully?

To live in gratitude for all things. To appreciate even the cloudy, rainy and cool weather day.

To be in awe of perforated toilet paper.

To lie on the grass at night marveling at the numerous flickering heavenly luminaries and when you lose your counting space in them laugh as you start over.....

To smile when the other driver takes the parking space you were waiting patiently for.....

To be in gratitude for a glass of water.

To live in joy... to live joyfully....

So let it be....

Creative Commons License
This work by Tamu Ngina is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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