11 August 2008


Now is all there is.

There is no yesterday and there is no tomorrow. The only gift we have is this moment, this now.

We have two choices.

We can choose to be in fear right now. To worry, to fear that we are not being heard. To worry, to fear that we do not have enough money. To fear that we are right and that they will take it away from us.

We can choose to be in love right now. To trust that all is ok, that all will be ok. To trust that we are heard and will be heard. To trust that we will be accepted. To trust that the money is there and that we have more than enough.

Either choice has action to follow. Action follows thought. Inaction is action.

We can choose to do nothing.

We can choose to accept Krishna's words to Arjuna...that is our duty to do (act) our part in the world.

Will we do our duty through the lens of fear? Will we choose to do our duty through the lens of love?

Love is trust. Love is tolerance. Love is seeing the positive.

Now is all there is. I choose to exist in Now with Love as my partner. Accepting myself. Accepting you. Trusting that I will be fine no matter what you choose to do. I choose to act in Love. And should I falter, should I miss the mark what will I choose. Should I choose fear? Be angry with myself and ashamed of myself.

I will forgive myself. I will then choose to accept myself through Love.

Love is forgiveness.

I choose love now.

Just for Now.

Copyright © Radiant Swan

1 comment:

benthehebrew said...

This truly a Blessed message...Todah, as always your Amazing..Love